From a College Window

From a College Window


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From a College Window by Arthur Christopher Benson





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From a College Window


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"Mr. Benson has written nothing equal to this mellow and full-flavored book. From cover to cover it is packed with personality; from phrase to phrase i reveals a thoroughly sincere and unaffected effort of self-expression; full-orbed and four-square, it is a piece of true and simple literature." --London Chronicle.

Book Excerpt

piness. Indeed, surveying it impartially--as impartially as I can--such a life seems to hold within it perhaps the greatest possibilities of happiness that life can hold. To have leisure and a degree of simple stateliness assured; to live in a wholesome dignity; to have the society of the young and generous; to have lively and intelligent talk; to have the choice of society and solitude alike; to have one's working hours respected, and one's leisure hours solaced--is not this better than to drift into the so-called tide of professional success, with its dreary hours of work, its conventional domestic background? No doubt the domestic background has its interests, its delights; but one must pay a price for everything, and I am more than willing to pay the price of celibacy for my independence.

The elderly Don in college rooms, interested in Greek particles, grumbling over his port wine, is a figure beloved by writers of fiction as a contrast to all that is brave, and bright, and wholesome in life. Could

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