Mrs. Hungerford

Mrs. Hungerford
Notable Women Authors of the Day


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Mrs. Hungerford by Helen C. Black







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Mrs. Hungerford
Notable Women Authors of the Day


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Book Excerpt

dy Patty, a society sketch drawn from life, has a most favourable reception from the critics and public alike, but in her last novel, very cleverly entitled Nor Wife Nor Maid, Mrs. Hungerford is to be seen, or rather read, at her best. This charming book, so full of pathos, so replete with tenderness, ran into a second edition in about ten days. In it the author has taken somewhat of a departure from her usual lively style. Here she has indeed given 'sorrow words'. The third volume is so especially powerful and dramatic, that it keeps the attention chained. The description indeed of poor Mary's grief and despair are hardly to be outdone. The plot contains a delicate situation, most delicately worked out. Not a word or suspicion of a word jars upon the reader. It is not however all gloom. There is in it a second pair of lovers who help to lift the clouds, and bring a smile to the lips of the reader.

Mrs. Hungerford does not often leave her pretty Irish home. What with her incessant literar