The Praise of a Godly Woman

The Praise of a Godly Woman


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The Praise of a Godly Woman by Hannibal Gamon





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The Praise of a Godly Woman


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A Sermon preached at the Solemne Funerallof the Right Honourable Ladie, the LadieFrances Roberts, at Lanhide-rock-Churchin Cornwall the tenth ofAuguſt, 1626.

Book Excerpt

tãtò pugna victory she gets, more commendable. | dissicilior--& victoria I know a man (Blesensis by name) | comm[=e]dabilior. Pet. Bles. ser. that thought two things should | 33. p. 420. Timeo autem ne fortè excuse him at the dreadfull day of | viri à virginibus iudicentur: iudgement, the Frailty of his | Comparatione tam[=e] non flesh, and the Ignorance of his | Auctoritate: quia per duo tantum minde; but then he feared lest God | scilicet: per Fragilitat[=e] carnis would iudge men by wom[=e], whose | & Ignorantiam mentis putobã, &c. sex being more fraile, more | ser. 35. p. 428.] ignorant than that of mens, were | for all that oftentimes more holy, | more deuout than many men. | | Secondly, the Feare of the Lord | is the truest Nobilitie (as | Gerson[r] proues) the noblest | [Note r: Tractat. de Nobilitate, grace that can ennoble and extoll a | part. 2. p. 52. lit. E. Et Greg. man or a woman. Other naturall, | Naz. Orat. 13.