A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary

A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
For the Use of Students


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A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by John R. Clark Hall





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A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
For the Use of Students


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Book Excerpt

ds. = dat. singular; etc.

#Da# = the poem of Daniel, in #Gr#; or ed. T. W. Hunt (Exodus and Daniel), Boston, 1885. [[Sometimes writen #Dan# in body text]]

DD = the poem 'Be Dômes Dæge' ('de die judiciæ'), ed. J. R. Lumby (EETS), London, 1876 (1); or in #Gr# (vol. 2, pp. 250-272).

#Deor# = the poem of Deor's Complaint, in #Gr# and #Kl#.

DHy = the Durham Hymnarium, ed. J. Stevenson (Surtees Society, vol. 23), London, 1851. (#Gl#, by H. W. Chapman, Yale Studies, No. 24, Boston, 1905.)

#Dom# = the poem 'Be Dômes Dæge' from the Exeter Book, in #Gr# (Vol. 3, pp. 171-4).

DR = the Durham Ritual, ed. T. Stevenson (Surtees Society), London, 1840. Lines of Anglo-Saxon only counted. [#Gl# by Uno Lindelöf, Bonn, 1901 (BB vol. 9).]

Du. = Dutch.

E = Early.

EC = Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents, ed. John Earle, Oxford, 1888 (3).

EETS = Early English Text Society's Publ