Puck of Pook's Hill

Puck of Pook's Hill


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Puck of Pook's Hill by Rudyard Kipling







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Puck of Pook's Hill


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A compilation of fantastic tales, juvenile in character, that bequeath to the reader the vital events which have played the principal part in England's development.

Book Excerpt

ns up from the far side of the mill-stream to a dark wood. Beyond that wood the ground rises and rises for five hundred feet, till at last you climb out on the bare top of Beacon Hill, to look over the Pevensey Levels and the Channel and half the naked South Downs.

'By Oak, Ash, and Thorn!' he cried, still laughing. 'If this had happened a few hundred years ago you'd have had all the People of the Hills out like bees in June!'

'We didn't know it was wrong,' said Dan.

'Wrong!' The little fellow shook with laughter. 'Indeed, it isn't wrong. You've done something that Kings and Knights and Scholars in old days would have given their crowns and spurs and books to find out. If Merlin himself had helped you, you couldn't have managed better! You've broken the Hills - you've broken the Hills! It hasn't happened in a thousand years.'

'We - we didn't mean to,' said Una.

'Of course you didn't! That's just why you did it. Unluckily the Hills are empty now, and all the People of the Hil

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