A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller

A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself, Fourth Part


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A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller by George Müller







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A Narrative of Some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself, Fourth Part


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Book Excerpt

t, as God shall be pleased to intrust me with means, I purpose by His help, to have my eye particularly on brethren who preach the Gospel without charge, and who, perhaps, besides, for conscience' sake, have relinquished former stipends or regular emoluments which they had in connexion with doing so. Have we not particularly to strive to be fellow-labourers with those who, seeking not their own things, but the things of Jesus Christ, preach the Word without being chargeable to any one? Many whom I know and love in the truth, are mindful of this; but others may not, perhaps, have sufficiently weighed the matter.

On March 10, 1846, I asked the Lord for still further supplies for missionary purposes, and while I was in prayer a letter came from C. W. with 20l. for missionary purposes. Thus also, about the same time, came in, from the neighbourhood of Ludlow, 2l., and from Keswick 5l. for Missions, besides other smaller donations for the same purpose.

It must not be supposed that these are all the d

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