The Electric Bath
Book Excerpt
Two different currents are required for the baths, viz. 1)--The galvanic, which may be employed either in the constant or interrupted (by means of a rheotome) form; and 2)--the faradic or induced current. Several manufacturers of this city turn out good and serviceable faradic instruments. Those which I have been in the habit of using for some years past are manufactured by the Galvano-Faradic Manufacturing Company, and they have given me unvarying satisfaction. By means of a recently introduced attachment to their batteries, termed the "fine adjustment," a current of exquisite "fineness" (rapidity of interruption) is obtained, thus removing the only inferiority that has heretofore distinguished American from the best imported instruments. The instrument is very easy of management, and its liability to get out of order very small.
As however the galvanic curren