
Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classificatin of Beauty in Woman


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Beauty by Alexander Walker





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Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classificatin of Beauty in Woman


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A philosophical approach on analyzing the concept of beauty. The analysis covers the beauty of inanimate objects as well as the beauty of humans and the face in particular.

Book Excerpt

ike cornered deer before the inexorable hunter. It has been the salvation and ruin of nations, as well as families and individuals--for queens have obeyed its supremacy as well as maidens, and kings squared their mandates, and regulated their course, by the "line of beauty." All this is matter of record. Sacred and profane story abounds with instances which admit of no denial, while they excite our wonder. But the wonder ceases, notwithstanding, when we turn from record to our own experience, and see the effect, on others and ourselves, of what we once read about in the curious annals of our species. We now see the finished sculpture that delighted and softened the people of an age, gazed on and admired by every being whom we are accustomed to regard as rational. No one pretends to question, much less to deny the beauty of the lovely statue, in which the perfection of woman is portrayed in the finished feature or the swelling form. Insensibility here would properly be regarded as a thing to