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AK’s book reviews

This review in English may be a little out of place here (there is no English edition of any of Stendhal's works on Manybooks) but it is meant to encourage other readers to try this wonderful novel by a writer who is, in many ways, as good as Balzac, without any of the flowery prose.
It would be a real blessing for English readers fond of the historical novel genre to find translations of Stendhal's best works here on Manybooks, but while they are not available, Internet Archive does have some of them.

The novel is itself well executed and the characters well drawn; the conclusion was just a little disappointing however; the author seems to have hurried through it. Nevertheless one of the best. Five stars.
I think this book is one of the best melancholy novels in existence. Its tone of ironical sympathy with the main character Soames Forsyte makes the reader feel sorry for him, too, despite his inability to understand what his wife wanted and needed; after all, he was depicted as what he was -- a product of his age.
Dostoyevsky's days were not those of political correctness, so readers may feel surprised that the book is actually about a man suffering from epilepsy.
I found this book quite readable and interesting. By far the best rendering of a character, in my opinion, is that of Ippolit's, and next is Prince Muishkin.
Extravagant both in terms of prose and emotion. The romance in the story is overdone because too many words are spent describing it. There is a parody of this book named "One Day" (also available on this website). "Three Weeks" altogether reads like a parody of itself.
One of the most eloquent love stories that Balzac ever wrote. His style is frequently called verbose, but it helps to make the narrative cohesive and well-rounded.
In this book, composed entirely of a long series of letters exchanged between the people in the story, Loiuse de Chaulieu, daughter of a noble family, falls in love with her Spanish tutor, who is actually a duke in disguise hiding under an assumed name due to political troubles. However despite her beauty and charm and the obvious love she had for her husband, Louise has a jealous and possessive nature, which ends up driving the love of her life to an early death.
Good book. I think the funniest part was when Harris, a cyclist and the waterman struggle for possession of the hose used for watering the roads. Everybody on the scene is drenched and Harris only escapes a lynching by the promptness of George's advice.
Profile picture for user audre.khj@gmail.com
Good short story. The appalling circumstances under which the Comtesse de Vandieres lost her reason have been very well described by Balzac.
All the emotions in this story run deep-- the intense desire of Jim to recover his lost honour; Jewel's love for Jim; and finally Doramin's bitter grief at the death of his son Dain Waris, which he views as a result of treachery(even if unintentional) that can be expiated only by the death of Jim himself. Even at the point of death Jim's sense of honour is staunch enough for him to acquiesce with what Doramin thinks.
A beautiful and tragical novel about thwarted love. Lord Miltoun and Audrey Lees-Noel are unable to marry because of his social and political ties (he is the "patrician" of the story)combined with the fact that she is separated, without being divorced, from her unloving husband.
Also the portrait of a smooth-talking hypocrite with artistic pretensions, who with his simplistic ways of pretending to explain away things, chokes the emotions and the mind of Isabel Archer, whom he married with the conniving of a woman, who pretended to be his bride's close friend. Gilbert Osmond, while not directly depicted as the villain of this story, still excites the reader's acute dislike.