Jim Stevenson

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Jim Stevenson

Jim Stevenson’s book reviews

I discovered this book 35 years ago. My copy is falling apart with age, but I keep it safe in a glass book case with my rarest of book treasures. House on the Borderland was the scariest book, the most engrossing sci fi I have ever read.

I am not a re-reader of books generally speaking, but I just finished reading it again for the 8th or 9th time. I read it aloud to my son when he was a kid. He was creeped out just as much as I had been and still enjoys the book as well. What a book!

Wouldn't this make a great, great movie if it followed the book? I have often thought how it would appear on film....but even if it would be filmed, it would never have the same effect as the printed word on the imagination.

Sadly, I have tried reading other books by Hodgeson, but they pale by comparison. I believe there is a mystique in it by its being a touted as coming from a discovered "ms" and at no time does this book suggest that it is fiction.

And finally, has anyone seen a cover that does the book justice?
