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Ken’s book reviews

This is a humorous account of a man who gets shipwrecked near the Eskimos, and how he experiences their customs, and amazes them, as well as foiling a false Eskimo witch-docter. Not to missed for learning about the Eskimos, and laughing at the Red Rooney\'s adventures!
Ash, the books start with the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, then In Search of the Castaways, and finally with this book. I really love this, and very educational too. They construct a battery and telegraph, and use chemical formulas to make and use powerful liquids from raw materials! It tells you how these things work, and how they made it. This is a truly wonderful work. Jules Verne is a very scientific
man, and is known to travel much more than people of his time. Enjoy Jules Verne, and The Mysterious Island!