Linda Otto

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Linda Otto

Linda Otto’s book reviews

Wow! This was a ride. It is action packed. You will definitely keep turning the pages. Enjoy!
This was fun! Mr. Povey is a milquetoast. His life is dreary. Although the author blames "FATE" for the coincidences that occur in his humdrum existence to the dreariness to end, it doesn't matter. If you have ever loathed your job or your life condition, you'll enjoy watching the metamorphosis of Mr. Povey. A sweet royal romance facilitates the change. Enjoy!
A titled English prig and a lovely young American seemed so--yawn--predictable, but, thankfully, it is not. If I can find more from this author, I will definitely read them. Enjoy!
Wonderful! The joy of living sings through this author's writing--along with a keen sense of the absurd! I will read more from her. Enjoy!
Heartwarming story of impoverished young adult sisters and brothers who move from a small English village to a London apartment for the chance to "make it big" after the death of their father--the genius. Enjoy!
Ha! I've always wanted to be able to refer to a book as a "romp," but I was never certain how a romp would be defined...until this book. This is it, what might be considered the definitive romp! It is ludicrous, improbable, absurd, and totally engaging. Even when you catch on, which you are sure to do, you won't stop reading because you'll want to find out how all of the absurdity resolves itself. Enjoy!
How can one not love Georgette Heyer. I read this some 40 years ago. It is such fun. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to read it again here. Lots of derring-do and frivolity written by a very accomplished historian. Enjoy!
Silly book, silly plot about those who live life to the fullest and those that don't. Sounds like a yawner, but it has some redeeming features. It is at its best when, sporting a cheeky grin, it thumbs its nose at the pedantic, uptight Paragons of Virtue that so annoy the rest of us. Unless you are an uptight Paragon of Virtue, it will be worth a look. Enjoy!
Ah...the Williamsons. They are always fun and a great escape. This book is no exception. The plot is formulaic and not much more than a frame for the travelogue of Scotland that is really the main character. Yet, the individual characters are endearing and villainous in their turn, and there is enough of a plot that you do want to find out how it all comes out in the end (even though you KNOW the Williamsons wouldn't disappoint one with a less than gloriously happy ending). Enjoy!
2nd book in the Bulldog Drummond Series.

Oh, dear. Something is very wrong here.... Capt. Hugh Drummond, man among men--the only man his merry band would follow besides the King--has turned into Bertie Wooster. As far as I can see, he and his band of crusaders have all become candidates for membership in P. G. Wodehouse's Drones Club. I am so confused. Where is our stalwart hero? In the first book in the series he was sharp, clever, keen-witted. Now he is described throughout London ,and by someone who has known him since childhood, as "the most vacuous ass in England." Huh?

At first I thought this was just a cover like Zorro or Sir Percy Blakeney and wondered what would come next...pimpernels left at the scene? But then when he couldn't figure out the workings of an electrified fence, I began to doubt the "cover" and wondered what the author was doing? I finished the book still unsure.

Drummond has this Black Gang, see, and they're all the ex-soldiers from the first book, but they seem to have misplaced most of their intelligence between books one and two. Their only moments of lucidity appear to be when they don their black robes and go into action. The moment the action is done, they revert back into superciliousness.

I told my husband--who started me on these--that this was too stupid for words. He just laughed at me and said, "Think comic book. This isn't War and Peace, you know." I'll say it isn't!

He says I should continue, so I'll take a stab at number three (The Third Round), but my expectations have fallen flat.

If you want to try this, you can't just suspend disbelief, you have to hang it by the neck until dead. Then perhaps, maybe, possibly, you can enjoy?