Sarah Hague

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Sarah Hague

Sarah Hague’s book reviews

This story did not live up to its lively beginning. The shrouded lady, the handsome young man suddenly thrust into an eastern European castle by a surprise inheritance. Is she a vampire, a ghost? Who is she?

After a gripping start, the story flattens out. Everyone is good except the bad cousin who rarely makes an appearance. Conflict is quickly resolved and its all rather unexciting. Lots of writing on technical and legal aspects which makes it heavy going too. It's difficult to imagine the same writer wrote this and 'The Man'.
Great story full of suspense. Will the man get the girl or will her crazy ideas on equality interfere with convention and force her into the hands of another?
Big strong man, beautiful wilful girl, this story has adventure, despair and suspense woven into a beautifully written piece of work.