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Stormswift’s book reviews

The criminal personified the term "slippery as an eel" as he’s evaded capture for decades. When finally caught he is handed over to a planet with unique ideas of justice – do not imprison the criminal, kill criminal’s loved one instead.
A group of telepathic robots convince others to unite and strike for wages to avoid exploitation by the humans they serve.
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Suzy’s voice kept Whit sane whilst he was in a capsule in space. Will he still want to marry her when he realises that she is not what she claimed to be?
Lenore is lured by a telepathic passenger on board the starship and discovers that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
A teenage girl undergoes gender reassignment and loses his best friend.
All scientists are blamed for the radioactivity after a (presumed) atomic explosion. A scientist who did not participate in the specific experiments is trying to cope with a dying wife and their twin sons who are deaf, dumb and blind but have some strange ability. Rather confusing ending.
"big and small, thick and thin, four arms or wings, all shapes and colors in fur and skin and feathers.” from: The Carnivore by GA Morris. The aliens are inter alia giant bunnies come to save the remnants of the human race. Are they as generous and kind as they seem?
A man is sent to guard an unnamed un-described “Treasure”. He is lonely and obtains a pet that he nurtures and talks to. This inimical pet consumes someone who tries to steal the treasure and the man wonders whether he will be next on the menu.
Two men (twins) making snap judgements on the basis of appearance and ability, could cost the human race its greatest ally in its quest to find and befriend intelligent alien life.
A salutary tale where a group of busybodies do a good deed (according to their precepts of good)for aliens, telling them to "do unto others" etc. The aliens then return the favour but they have their own concepts of good deeds. Lesson: leave well enough alone.