Five Books Like Maze Runner

Whether it is because the rapid pace at which technology is changing our world or because people can identify with oppressed characters who are struggling to make a difference, there is no denying that dystopian fiction is popular. Young adult novels in particular has seen a lot of success with the genre, which makes sense as a lot of teens see themselves in similar situations where they are paying the price for the mistakes of older generations. Although most dystopian novels are set against a futuristic backdrop, the characters remain relatable and also have to deal with many of the same issues faced by young adults of today. This is just one of the many reasons why The Maze Runner series by James Dashner remains so popular along with The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. For fans who have read all of the books in the series and watched the films, here are X more books like The Maze Runner to enjoy.
Tunnel In The Sky
by Robert A. Heinlein
Dystopian young adult novels is not a new thing as can be seen with Tunnel in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein, which was published in 1955. It is set in a future where Earth deals with overpopulation by teleporting people to other planets for colonization. The protagonist of the book is Rod Walker, a teen who has to survive on an unfamiliar planet for a few days as part of his survival class at school. However, something goes wrong and Rod along with a whole group of other teens find themselves stranded on the planet where they have to survive for much longer than what they anticipated.
by Scott Westerfeld
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is a great read, especially in light of how image obsessed our society has become. In this story the protagonist is a teen girl named Tally Youngblood. Like everyone else, she is looking forward to the plastic surgery that will make her "pretty" once she becomes sixteen. This surgery is provided for free by the government, but when Tally begins to deviate from the rules and regulations that they have laid out, she begins to discover that the government might not actually have the best interest of their citizens in mind.
The Birthmarked Trilogy
by Caragh M. O'Brien
In the dystopian future created by author Caragh M. O'Brien there are those who live inside the Enclave and those who serve them who live on the outside. Gaia, the protagonist lives on the outside due to a burn scar on her face, which makes her unsuitable for the Enclave where appearances count for everything. This doesn't bother Gaia too much as she is happy with her life in Wharfton, which is outside the walls of the Enclave. She even follows in the footsteps of her mother and becomes a midwife to help the other women in Wharfton. However, Gaia soon begins to question why the Enclave continually takes babies from Wharfton to be adopted by parents in the Enclave. Eventually, Gaia has no choice, but to take matters into her own hands and defy the Enclave after they come for her parents.
by Ann Aguirre
The world of Enclave is in such a terrible state that reaching the age of twenty five means you are an elder. In fact, children are not even named until they reach the age of fifteen because life expectancies in the underground where they live is so low. Deuce, the protagonist of the story, becomes a "Hunter" when she reaches the age of fifteen and makes it her mission to provide her tribe with food and protection. Helping her out is a boy named Fade, who was born aboveground and who is trying to prove himself to the tribe after they have taken him into their enclave. Deuce and Fade quickly discover that their enclave is not as safe as everyone thinks, but trying to explain the situation to the elders just results in the duo being exiled. As the two make their way to the surface, they discover that the situation there isn't much better and that they will have to rely on each other for survival.
The Dwellers Saga
by David Estes
The Dwellers Saga is another series where mankind ended up fleeing underground after the destruction that takes place on the surface of the earth. Here they created a new society called the Tri-Realms where everyone is divided up into a caste system. One of the protagonists of the story, Adele, belongs to the middle class while the other, Tristan, is royalty. Early in the first book Adele is arrested and unjustly imprisoned, but a fleeting encounter with Tristan reveals that the two of them share a special connection in some way. Adele is also not taking her unfair sentence lightly and, with the aid of two other inmates, she makes her escape from the prison. Meanwhile, Tristan is not happy with being a "Prince" either and seeks an escape of his own.