Mémoire sur les avantages qu'il y auroit à changer absolument la nourriture des gens de mer
by Antoine Poissonnier-Desperrières
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chevalier de La Coudraye
chevalier de La Coudraye (chevalier De La Coudraye, chevalier de La Coudraye Francois-Celestin de Loynes-Barraud, François-Célestin de Loynes la Coudraye, chevalier de La Coudraye François-Célestin de Loynes-Barraud, chevalier de Lacoudraye François Célestin de Loynes)

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chevalier de La Coudraye (chevalier de La Coudraye, chevalier De La Coudraye, chevalier de La Coudraye Francois-Celestin de Loynes-Barraud, François-Célestin de Loynes la Coudraye, chevalier de La Coudraye François-Célestin de Loynes-Barraud, chevalier de Lacoudraye François Célestin de Loynes)
Books by chevalier de La Coudraye
FEATURED AUTHOR - Author Miranda Oh Is your typical girl: She loves the sunset, loves long walks on the beach, world travels, and When not playing the corporate part she can be found sipping wine and spending all her hard-earned money on shoes. Among her friends and family, Miranda Oh is known to be the storyteller of the group, always recapping crazy life stories and situations. Her personal experiences, emotions, and fantasies are the inspiration for most of her books, so there is a little bit of her in every… Read more