Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches

Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches


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Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches by Joel Chandler Harris





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Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches


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The charm of Joel Chandler Harris' Georgian sketches has long been recognized as of a peculiarly rare kind. In his hands the art of telling a short story has been developed well-nigh to perfection. Each of his tales has certain qualities that, taken together, stamp it as the work of a master--a just and artistic balancing of parts, a felicitous grouping of incidents, strong character studies, bold in outline and finished with a wealth of suggestive detail; a tinge of humor which ever and anon passes the line and acquires the deep hue of pathos; and, finally, a touch of graceful fancy and tender sentiment. The skill and exquisite literary taste with which Mr Harris weaves these delicate threads into the texture of his tales are known of all men; and in none of his work is he seen to better advantage than in this collection of his more recent stories.

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