Derek Hagen

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Derek Hagen

Derek Hagen’s book reviews

It's difficult to imagine that someone actually had a higher vision which enabled him to experience what he talks about. Not bullcrap vision or chanelling or anything like that. Steiner's body of work is tremendous in its complexity and amount. After reading a lot of it, it becomes clear that he really did have the vision.

Above all, keep your personal integrity while having as open a mind as possible when you read this book. Read it slowly and be sure you understand the concepts before moving on. The concepts aren't that difficult, just unfamiliar. Be critical as it will help you to understand. Do not be skeptical or, heaven forbid, cynical as you will not be able make sense of it.

Keep an open mind.
I saw the TV show but it didn't really get me until one day on vacation a few years ago. I was engrossed in an exciting action beach book for guys when I heard my wife reading Anne Shirley to our granddaughter. I think it was the part where uncle Matthew meets her for the first time at the train station and takes her home to Green Gables. I had to put my book down just to pay attention to one of the most delightful passages in all literature. I have a lump in my throat right now, just thinking about that passage. Since then I have read the book, seen the play and bought the T-shirt. And I'm usually a guy who reads things like Tim Clancy, Stephen King, Louis Lamour. Lucy Maude, wherever you are, thank you so much.