A remarkable story told by an extremely courageous young lady. Her efforts were an attempt to expose the machinations of an abusive institutional system that centered on funding and budget manipulations. Padding patient roles with innocent victims to induce funding increases was common, as was vendor kickbacks when premium prices were charged for spoiled food, substandard commodities, shorted coal deliveries, etc.. Ms Cochrane eventually saw the cover-up efforts and felt helpless against them. I contend that MS Cochrane was in far more danger than she had realized. Had she been exposed, she would have vanished like some of the women she sought to contact later. Dr Dent would have made sure of it! After the fact, I imagine that Dr Dent and any corrupt commissioners enjoyed the budget increases as they could shift that much more to their own pockets. Ms Cochrane put them on the run, however, and had an effect. An incredible young lady to say the least.
McMurphy’s book reviews