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RICK BRANT’s book reviews

Ever since I was a kid decades ago I've thought all of the Rick Brant series is GREAT. Like the fictional Rick Brant, who I actually was named for, I've ALWAYS been interested in real-life science and electronics. Although the character is fictional, the author used real-life events and places and things in the Rick Brant books. I was NEVER into science fiction like Tom Swift but always interested in real science. The books usually had things that either existed in real life at the times the stories were written, or maybe being developed at the time and in some way foreseeable. The first book in 1947, The Rocket's Shadow, was about a moon rocket. There wasn't even NASA back then although rockets existed and I think real space travel was being thought of and being developed. Some stories to me seemed like science fiction that would never happen, however the third book Sea Gold was about getting precious metals from sea water and I thought that can't ever be done. However about 20 years ago, way after the book, a scientist actually perfected a way to really do that. Amazed me when I read in a newspaper article that it had really been done. So if you like reality, and real events, and real places, woven into science / adventure stories you'll probably really like all of the Rick Brant books. I really can't say enough good about them.

RICK BRANT’s favorite books