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theodora’s book reviews

Just like many of the ''reviewers'' already said, I wholeheartedly recommend you this book for you will not get bored the whole time you read it. It is one of the few books I’ve read that captured my attention from the very beginning.

But there are parts of Jane that I’m not that fond of, like the fact that she’s sometimes bitter about life and mostly about herself. Too much modesty is not so healthy. She is rather impulsive and I don’t like the fact that she doesn’t think before running away from Edward. But this act represents another intrigue of the novel which causes lots of other adventures and changes of fate.

The ending is atypical and many of you romantic daydreamers out there won’t be fully satisfied, because of the atypical happy end. Read it and you’ll know what I am talking about.

Edward Fairfax Rochester is one of my favourite characters of all time. Although it is painful and confusing for Jane, I love the way he plays with her until revealing his true feelings which can be a little too obvious for the reader to figure out. He and Jane are very well portrayed, they both are realistic and in the same time, most romantic characters.

Jane’s childhood is very interesting; she is an odd child, strange, free-thinking and impulsive one who always follows her heart and response deeply and sincerely to the adults. That is the Jane I enjoyed the best! But as she grows older, her mind gets erased a bit in cause of the strict and absurd religious education. But you can really tell that it is the true mind of the author herself who reflects her own way of thinking, her own ideals of happiness, so different from the reality that Charlotte deals with.

I also recommend you Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, one of the best novels ever! Now that’s a true mystery and drama novel with splendid characters, both human and inhuman in the same time.