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v2da2dl’s book reviews

Barfishly bad story about a kid who undergoes extensive plastic surgery to disguise himself as an alien in order to learn the secret of intergalactic space travel. There were a couple interesting ideas in the book. But I wouldn't read it again.
This is one duuumb, rusty clunker of a story, just jouncing along over unbearably vast plot-holes. And then Author tries to shock-and-awe you out of noticing the story’s gaping flaws. Author pulls the gore card every time, but he’s just no good at it. My verdict: a waste of time and effort and synaptic motion. Yet, to be fair, I did check if there was a sequel...
This is a fantastic comic-booky little yarn that opens with a laugh and doesn’t disappoint throughout. The language is tasty and visceral, and the relationships are upsettingly familiar. Yep, read it.
Horror story about, like, an evil blob. I wasn’t wild about the blob, but I loved the way the story was told. Our first-person narrator discovers his dead uncle’s notes on a strange occurrence and pieces together a really nifty little story, a potential world-ender.
A penniless, depressed kid invents a mechanism that, when activated, sets the victim/lucky dog upon an ineluctable, unavoidable path towards his or her soul mate. This is the short-’n'-sweet story of that kid meeting and marrying his soul mate; her three sisters meeting their own; and a random investor in the mechanism meeting his. Eventually the whole world is using it (or terrified of it). Except gay people, I guess.

I downloaded this bc it was classified as sci-fi. It is not sci-fi. It is not even science-y. And it is not politically correct. But it is cute and funny. If you’re a sucker for love, go ahead and read it.