Arthur Piantadosi

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Arthur Piantadosi

Arthur Piantadosi’s book reviews

OH My!! I read this book and its successors when I was a kid. So did my dad. Ruth Stiles Garnett is one of the best children's book writers EVER!!
Both very funny and very clever. The Russians and the Chinese keep bluffing each other with worse and worse nukes and plagues, but then AFGHANISTAN calls their bluff and ends the Cold War!
One of the finest of Piper's works. It is a tale in which all people who read are in a high tech scribes class, and treat other people badly. A frightening tale, but hopeful
Short Story that is part of the first Stainless Steel Rat book, and a wonderful story
Looking back on this magnificent book, It makes me wonder if this is where George Lucas got the idea for the Ewoks. I love anything by H. Beam Piper
Both an Alternative history like Piper's Indo-European Volkswanderung Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, and a subtle joke on the reader if he is not knowledgable of the Napoleonic Period. Look up Arthur Wellsely!
considering it was published, oh about 20 YEARS before three Mile island or Chernobyl, it is pretty accurate to what would really happen.