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Lonnie’s book reviews

It\'s a shame that the only people leaving reviews are those bent on trying to discredit the writings of the bible. How can you read it and come to the conclusions that the the people leaving the reviews come to. It\'s simple, they didn\'t read it. The bible doesn\'t cater to someone looking for an intense fiction or some dramatic action filled non-fiction. The fact is, the bible is the most accurate account of history that we have. It isn\'t tanted by personal opinions and agendas like current history books. It tells history as it happened, good and bad. If you describe something accurately, doesn\'t mean that you condone the actions. If anything, the fact that the bible doesn\'t omit events that aren\'t popular from a historical point of but important from a spiritual point of view.

I\'m always amazed at the extent some people will go to just to convince others that their opinions are correct. Even to the point of lying. the bible isn\'t full of contraditions as some say. Just because someone says it, doesn\'t mean it\'s true. Study to show thyself approved.