Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen - A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas
Book Excerpt
[Looks hard at her.] Perhaps I had better go?
No--I will be short. This was it. I wanted to take my share in the life of the New Era, and march onward with Rosmer. There was one dismal, insurmountable barrier--[to ROSMER, who nods gravely]--Beata! I understood where your deliverance lay--and I acted. I drove Beata into the mill-race.... There!
[After a short silence.] H'm! Well, Kroll--[takes up his hat]--if you're thinking of walking home, I'll go too. I'm going to be orthodox once more--after this!
[Severely and impressively, to REBECCA.] A nice sort of young woman you are! [Both go out hastily, without looking at REBECCA.
[Speaks to herself, under her breath.] Now I have done it. I wonder why. [Pulls bell-rope.] Madam Helseth, I have