The Little French Lawyer

The Little French Lawyer
A Comedy


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The Little French Lawyer by Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher





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The Little French Lawyer
A Comedy


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Book Excerpt

ie, You that have stood all dangers of all kinds, to Yield to a Rivalls scoffe?

Lamira. Shed tears upon Your Wedding day? this is unmanly Gentlemen.

Champ. They are tears of anger: O that I should live To play the woman thus! All powerfull heaven, Restore me, but one hour, that strength again, That I had once, to chastise in these men Their folies, and ill manners, and that done, When you please, I'le yield up the fort of life, And do it gladly.

Cler. We ha' the better of him, We ha' made him cry.

Verdo. You shall have satisfaction. And I will do it nobly, or disclaim me.

Beaup. I say no more, you have a Brother, Sister, This is your wedding day, we are in the street, And howsoever they forget their honour, 'Tis fit I lose not mine, by their example.

Vert. If there be Laws in Paris, look to answer This insolent affront.

Cler. You that live by them, Study 'em for heavens sake; for my part I

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