Colloquium heptaplomeres

Colloquium heptaplomeres
de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis


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Colloquium heptaplomeres by Jean Bodin







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Colloquium heptaplomeres
de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis


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Book Excerpt

OCTAVIUS: Meminisse juvat periculorum praeteritorum, ac Neptunum procul a terra spectare furentem[2], ut ab hominis istius teterrimi cogitatione quam longissime discedamus, nam ut lyricus ille scribit. Quae enim[3] ex Phaedone Platonis mox legit anagnostes, recordationem mihi excitarunt periculosissimae navigationis, quam nisi molestum esset, libenter vobis enarrarem.

me tabula sacer Votiva paries indicat humida suspendisse potenti Vestimenta maris Deo[4],

[1.] Alius: Posthaec. [2.] Horatii Epist. I, 1. [3.] Horatii Carm. Od. I, 5. [4.] Alius: etiam.

CORONAEUS: Quis non libenter Octavium audiret?

[1]OCTAVIUS: Cum in Aegypto urbem Cairam, quam incolae a civium multitudine et urbis magnitudine gallinam incubantem interpretantur, et circa urbem pyramides antiquas lustrarem, Genevensis quidam empiricus, quem mihi socium adjunxeram, persuasit, ut Amomiam[2] legeremus; sic enim appellabat Aegypti cadavera, quae antiquitus amomo, cardamomo, sala, aceto, melle, myrrha, a

Alex Martin - Love and Loss and the Perils of War
FEATURED AUTHOR - 'The Plotting Shed' (see her blog was Alex Martin's first writing space at the bottom of her Welsh garden. Now she splits her time between Wales and France and plot wherever she is. She still wanders aimlessly in the countryside with her dog and her dreams and she can still be found typing away with imaginary friends whispering in her ear, but these days she has the joy of seeing her stories published and the treasured feedback from readers who've enjoyed them.