The Posthumous Writings of the Celebrated Augustus Tomlinson, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of -------
Book Excerpt
ubservient to the science of swindlers. The heart of an inferior is always fascinated by a jest. Men know this in the knavery of elections. Know it now, my pupils, in the knavery of life! When you slap yon cobbler so affectionately on the back, it is your own fault if you do not slap your purpose into him at the same time. Note how Shakspeare (whom study night and day,--no man hath better expounded the mysteries of roguery!) causes his grandest and most accomplished villain, Richard III., to address his good friends, the murderers, with a jocular panegyric on that hardness of heart on which, doubtless, those poor fellows most piqued themselves,--
"Your eyes drop millstones, where fools' eyes drop tears-- I like you, lads!"
Can't you fancy the knowing grin with which the dogs received this compliment, and the little sly punch in the stomach with which Richard dropped those loving words, "I like you, lads!"
As good-nature is the characteristic of the dupe, so should good-t
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A somewhat puerile satire with the same attitude as Candide, but not a lot of humor and no plot. It concerns the notes of several lectures to students on the topic of conning and bilking people for your own advantage.
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