Een vliegreisje in het Land der Rijzende Zon

Een vliegreisje in het Land der Rijzende Zon
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906


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Een vliegreisje in het Land der Rijzende Zon by T. Tj. de Boer



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Een vliegreisje in het Land der Rijzende Zon
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906


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Philip Booker - A Well-Organized Mystery With Plenty of Surprises
FEATURED AUTHOR - Philip Booker lives in southern Idaho with his wife Katey, his step-daughter CaraLee, two cats, a dog, and a ton of fish. Philip has been writing stories since third grade when he decided he wanted to be an author. While he has written many short stories, Smoke in the Wind was his first completed novel. As our Author of the Day, Booker tells us all about this book.