Living History

Living History


(3 Reviews)
Living History by Ben Essex







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Living History


(3 Reviews)
A story about clones, dinosaurs and the concept of Benjamin Franklin.Jacob White works for the Salmon Corporation. It's an easy job, provided you do what you're told and don't ask too many questions. Jacob is told to start bringing historical figures back to life, somehow- the details are up to him. He doesn't ask too many questions.It all seems straightforward enough, until White realises that his latest task is actually impossible. Faced with a choice between unacceptable failure and the world's most elabourate bluff, White opts for the latter. Unfortunately for him things are more complicated than they appear, and his lie will have terrible consequences. In the city-state of America Little, every idea has its price and every fantasy comes with a fee. For his great illusion, Jacob will find the cost laid out in blood and revolution.

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This story has a lot going for it. The characters are fairly believable, the premise is quite interesting, and the writing is more or less professional.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few things wrong that cause me to give only a mediocre rating. Though the foul language is sparse, it is quite blatant. I don't like that at all. There are quite a few obvious spelling mistakes. The ending is a huge disappointment. And, though you kind of accept it after a while, the technology on display is really just plain silly unbelievable.

A man brings famous people from the past to life. He inhabits the body of Ben Franklin, and gets into all sorts of trouble. Quite interesting to following the struggles, but quick and unsatisfying ending will disappoint.
I liked it. A little slow at the beginning, but it really picks up speed. Very entertaining.
Profile picture for user tgatzajr
A very fast and engrossing read. Thought it never quite hit the pitch I was expecting it to it approached it quite well.

Based off the write up I went in to this cautiously. Within pages I let that guard down as the writing and pace were both sufficient to keep me wanting more. Add in touch of the absurd and bizarre and I couldn't put this one down.

My major complaint is the version that I read could have used a good proofreader. Although not rife with errors, the kind that spell checkers will miss, there were noticeably enough. A minor technical issue against an otherwise engaging read.