


(0 Reviews)
Bye-Ways by Robert Smythe Hichens





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The Charmer of Snakes A Tribute of Souls (Written in conjunction with Lord Frederick Hamilton.)An Echo in Egypt The Face of the Monk The Man who Intervened After To-morrow A Silent Guardian A Boudoir Boy The Tee-to-tum

Book Excerpt

the collecting box when his "show" was at an end,--every side, every subtlety of such a creature Claire could give with the certainty of genius. As you watched her, you beheld the snakes, you beheld their master. Even at the end you almost saw the vast and trackless desert open its haggard arms to receive its child, who passed from the crowd to the silence in which alone he could learn to fascinate the crowd. At the great morning performance in London, a prince who knew the East had said to Claire, "Miss Duvigne, you must have lived with snake-charmers. You must have studied them for months."

"I never saw one in my life," she answered truthfully.

And now she gave her performance to those who, in the dingy market squares of their white-walled cities, had seen the snakes dance and had heard the prayer to Sidi Mahomet. And they squatted in the moonbeams, immobile as goblins carved in dusky oak. Yet they inspired Claire. From his hiding place Renfrew could note this. She had let her genius loose upo

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