Dollars and Sense

Dollars and Sense
Being Memoranda made in the School of Practical Experience


(1 Review)
Dollars and Sense by William Crosbie Hunter







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Dollars and Sense
Being Memoranda made in the School of Practical Experience


(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

nothing in money beyond a competence."

When one has enough money to buy things for the home, for his family comfort and enjoyment, when he has sufficient income to take care of himself and his family, surplus dollars do not mean much.

The business man should prepare for his future so that if ill health overtakes him he may have the where-with to surround himself with comforts, travel and the best of care.

The man who enjoys pleasures of the home and friends, who trains up young blood to take hold of the business, who travels and enjoys himself as he goes along has the right idea.

We must learn to enjoy life now instead of waiting for tomorrow, for tomorrow may never come.

The man who cashes in, puts his money in bonds and retires from all work goes down hill quickly, and feels he is of no use in the world.

The farmer who moves in town to live on his income is a sorry individual unless he has a garden and chickens, or buys and sells farms, or occupies his time with wo