Jamaican Song and Story

Jamaican Song and Story
Annancy stories, digging sings, ring tunes, and dancing tunes
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Jamaican Song and Story by Unknown







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Jamaican Song and Story
Annancy stories, digging sings, ring tunes, and dancing tunes
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Book Excerpt

y or indirectly, because an examination of Chatelain's Folk-tales of Angola and Junod's Chants et Contes des Baronga shows that some tales, at any rate, have passed from Portugal to Africa. Such are La fille du Roi (Ronga), which is identical with Grimm's The Shoes that were danced to pieces, and with the Slovak-gypsy story of The Three Girls (Groome, Gypsy Folk-tales, p. 141). But in the absence of more detailed and direct evidence than we yet possess, it would be rash to assume that they have passed to America by way of Africa, rather than that they have been independently transmitted.

The eleven stories above referred to are: II. Yung-kyum-pyung, III. King Daniel, VI. Blackbird and Woss-woss, X. Mr. Bluebeard, XVII. Man-crow, XVIII. Saylan, XXI. Tacoma and the Old-witch Girl, XXVI. The Three Pigs, XXXI. Pretty Poll (another version of III.), XXXIX. Open Sesame (variant of VI.), VII. The Three Sisters. But some of these, as I hope to show presentl