If Your Baby Must Travel in Wartime

If Your Baby Must Travel in Wartime


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If Your Baby Must Travel in Wartime by United States. Children's Bureau







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If Your Baby Must Travel in Wartime


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Book Excerpt

s when you tell the person to whom the child is talking, "Send Jimmy back if he annoys you," you get the assurance, "He's perfectly all right. I enjoy talking to him." Accept such statements at their face value. Don't cramp Jimmy's style "in winning friends and influencing people."

There are times, although they will be rare, when you may need to curb Jimmy's friendliness--when he shows too much interest in an obviously undesirable or uninterested person. Bring him back to your seat to hear a story or to eat an apple and then keep him busy until he forgets about the stranger.

[Illustration: Too much is enough]

[Illustration: A time to make friends]

You will need to keep your eyes glued on overfriendly grown-ups who in a burst of enthusiasm may give your youngster candy or other undesirable food. Many adults are thoughtless about food for children, and if you are unfortunate enough to meet one of these individuals, you will need to be tactful but firm. You can't afford to run the ri