Sequential Problem Solving

Sequential Problem Solving
A Student Handbook with Checklists for Successful Critical Thinking


(1 Review)
Sequential Problem Solving by Fredric B. Lozo







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Sequential Problem Solving
A Student Handbook with Checklists for Successful Critical Thinking


(1 Review)
Copyright (C) 1998 by F. B. Lozo

Book Excerpt

remember well the magic of that first romantic glance across a crowded ballroom, the guileless smile and downcast eyes that instantaneously made my heart skip a beat. I remember the soul stirring melody of Band of Gold and the lingering smell of peaches and the gentle winds against my ears on a pleasant summer night. Sequential Problem Solving is about memories and dreams, making them come true, and keeping them alive.

Sequential Problem Solving is about becoming both a success and a lifelong-learner. Problem solving has two aspects: physical problems in a scientific environment and personal problems in a spiritual inner world. This book uses well known classical literary selections as models for personal decision making and character development. These works were chosen primarily due to their ready availability.

Part of the fun of sequential problem solving is mentally rewriting stories to have more favorable outcomes. We imagine favorable outcomes naturally, but successful people do so in a