An Account of the Diseases which were most frequent in the British military hospitals in Germany
Book Excerpt
The Reason of this Difference of Symptoms in the Beginning, and of these different Appearances of the Blood, seemed to be, that such Patients as laboured under Pleurisies, low or other Fevers, being brought into Hospitals where the Malignant Fever was frequent, had their original Disorders changed into this Fever by breathing a foul infected Air, and by their Communication with those ill of the Fever, and of Fluxes; at other Times, a mere Acrimony of the Blood, set in Motion by a supervening Fever, determined the Disorder to be of this kind: and I always observed, that those Men were most apt to catch this Fever, whose Constitutions had been broke down by previous Disorders.
The Fever appeared in different Forms. Some had only a Quickness of the Pulse, at