The Blue Goose

The Blue Goose


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The Blue Goose by Frank Lewis Nason





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The Blue Goose


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This novel is an extremely interesting and graphic picture of the methods by which mines, minters, and min owners are worked in turn. Pierre, the strenuous villain, Firmstone, Harwell, all bear the hall-marks of genuineness. After the fashion of Harte, Mr. Nason displays a predilection for the very youthful heroine, possessing beauty, virtue, and diablerie enough for the making of a half-dozen normal women; a type which captivates but does not convince.

Book Excerpt

pped from beneath the stamps of the big mill. In this opinion Luna, the mill foreman, concurred. He even raised the ante, solemnly averring that the old man opened the mill with prayer, sang hallelujahs at change of shift, and invoked divine blessing before chewing his grub. Whereat the down-trodden serfs of soulless corporations cheered long and loud, and called for fresh oblations at the bar of the Blue Goose.

All these things Luna pondered in his mind, and his indignation waxed hot at Pierre.

"The damned old frog-eater's losing his nerve; that's what! I ain't going to be held up by no frog-spawn."

He opened the office door and clumped up to the railing.

The superintendent looked up.

"What is it, Luna?"

"Long, on number ten battery, is sick and off shift. Shall we hang up ten, or put on Morrison?"

The superintendent smiled.

"Is it Morrison, or hang up?" he asked.

The question was disconcerting. The foreman shifted his footing.

"Morrison i