Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests
Book Excerpt
Credit if two of three comparisons are correct.
2. Naming Colors
Show card (V 2) and say, pointing to colors in the order, red, yellow, blue, green, "What is the name of that color?"
Credit if all colors are correctly named, without marked uncertainty.
3. Æsthetic Comparison
Show pairs of faces in order from top to bottom of card (V 3). Say, "Which of these two pictures is the prettiest?"
Credit if all three comparisons are made correctly.
4. Definitions: Use or Better
Say, "You have seen a chair. You know what a chair is. Tell me, what is a chair?" If necessary urge as follows: "I am sure you know what a chair is. You have seen a chair." "Now, tell me, what is a chair?" If S. rambles say, "Yes, but tell me; what is a chair?" Same for horse, fork, doll, pencil, table.
Credit if four words out of the six are defined in terms of use or better. (See The Measurement of Int