Eaglethorpe Buxton and the Elven Princess

Eaglethorpe Buxton and the Elven Princess


(1 Review)
Eaglethorpe Buxton and the Elven Princess by Wesley Allison







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Eaglethorpe Buxton and the Elven Princess


(1 Review)
Eaglethorpe Buxton, famed adventurer and story-teller, friend to those in need of a friend and guardian to those in need of a guardian. He is a liar and braggart, not to be trusted, especially around pies. Who are we to believe? Buxton himself leads us through his world as he comes to the aid of a poor orphan? An elven princess? Who can guess with Eaglethorpe himself telling the tale?

Book Excerpt

not the case with the stout fellow that at that moment entered from the common room beyond. He caught sight of me and let out a yell that could have, and in fact did, summon everyone in the place. The sounds of singing stopped as others rushed to see the source of his consternation.

"Let this be a lesson to you not to waylay innocent travelers!" I shouted, scooping up the pies, one in each hand. I urged Hysteria onward, but no doubt feeling the warm air exiting the window, she was loath to move. The orphan fixed that by slapping her on the backside, her fragile ego notwithstanding. She jumped and shot around to the front of the inn just as the gang of toughs from inside came out the front door. They were just in time to watch us race off into the darkness with two warm and steamy pies.

Chapter Four

: Wherein we make decisions about our supper.

When we were not two hundred yards down the road, I let Hysteria drop to a trot, for in trut