Feeding the Mind
Feeding the Mind
This is a reproduction of a manuscript for a lecture given by Lewis Carroll himself.
Book Excerpt
lthiness of the mental appetite of a human animal, place in its hands a short, well-written, but not exciting treatise on some popular subject--a mental bun, in fact. If it is read with eager interest and perfect attention, and if the reader can answer questions on the subject afterwards, the mind is in first-rate working order. If it be politely laid down again, or perhaps lounged over for a few minutes, and then, 'I can't read this stupid book! Would you hand me the second volume of "The Mysterious Murder"?' you may be equally sure that there is something wrong in the mental digestion.
If this paper has given you any useful hints on the important subject of reading, and made you see that it is one's duty no less than one's interest to 'read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest' the good books that fall in your way, its purpose will be fulfilled.
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Feeding the Mind, by Lewis Carro
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