The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition

The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition
Vol. 2


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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition by Robert Louis Stevenson





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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition
Vol. 2


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The Amateur Emigrant -- The Old and New Pacific Capitals -- The Silverado Squatters -- "Virginibus Puerisque" and Other Papers

Book Excerpt

without exception; and I am bound to say that I partook of it myself with good results. It is a character of the man that he was not only perpetually dosing himself with Golden Oil, but wherever there was a head aching or a finger cut, there would be Jones with his bottle.

If he had one taste more strongly than another, it was to study character. Many an hour have we two walked upon the deck dissecting our neighbours in a spirit that was too purely scientific to be called unkind; whenever a quaint or human trait slipped out in conversation, you might have seen Jones and me exchanging glances; and we could hardly go to bed in comfort till we had exchanged notes and discussed the day's experience. We were then like a couple of anglers comparing a day's kill. But the fish we angled for were of a metaphysical species, and we angled as often as not in one another's baskets. Once, in the midst of a serious talk, each found there was a scrutinising eye upon himself; I own I paused in embarrassment at this dou

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