The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 22

The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 22
Juvenilia and Other Papers


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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 22 by Robert Louis Stevenson





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The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 22
Juvenilia and Other Papers


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The Pentland Rising -- Sketches -- College Papers -- Notes and Essays Chiefly of the Road -- Criticisms -- An Appeal to the Clergy of the Church Of Scotland -- The Charity Bazaar -- The Light-Keeper -- On a New Form of Intermittent Light for Lighthouses -- On the Thermal Influence of Forests -- Essays of Travel -- War Correspondence from Stevenson's Note-Book -- Moral Tales

Book Excerpt

dged by his captors at a good inn, frequently at the best of which their halting-place could boast. Here many visits were paid to him by the ministers and officers of the insurgent force. In his description of these interviews he displays a vein of satiric severity, admitting any kindness that was done to him with some qualifying souvenir of former harshness, and gloating over any injury, mistake, or folly, which it was his chance to suffer or to hear. He appears, notwithstanding all this, to have been on pretty good terms with his cruel "phanaticks," as the following extract sufficiently proves:

"Most of the foot were lodged about the church or churchyard, and order given to ring bells next morning for a sermon to be preached by Mr. Welch. Maxwell of Morith, and Major M'Cullough invited me to heare 'that phanatick sermon' (for soe they merrilie called it). They said that preaching might prove an effectual meane to turne me, which they heartilie wished. I answered to them that I was under guards, and t

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