The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. XI
Book Excerpt
Desires the passing of laws corresponding to the thirteenth Article of the treaty of commerce.
To George Washington. Philadelphia, November 6th, 1782, 134
The enemy are supplied with provisions by Americans.
To Count de Dillon, Governor of St Christopher's. Philadelphia, November 8th, 1782, 135
Affair of the Lætitia.
To Sir Guy Carleton. Philadelphia, November 9th, 1782, 135
Enclosing resolutions of Congress relative to Captain Asgill.
To Sir Guy Carleton. Philadelphia, November 9th, 1782, 137
Requesting him to permit the exchange of M. de la Touche.
To George Washington. Philadelphia, November 12th, 1782, 137
Apology for corresponding with General Carleton.
George Washington to Captain Asgill. Head Quarters, November 13th, 1782, 138
Enclosing the resolution of Congress relative to him.
George Washington to M. de la Luzerne. Head Quarters, November 13th, 1782, 139
Regrets that he is unable to pr