Sandman's Goodnight Stories
Book Excerpt
"'Just as I thought,' said Dr. Frog, 'the voices are as good as ever, but there are not so many of you, and, of course, the singing is not so loud as it was once.
"'Shall I tell you the reason for this?' asked Dr. Frog.
"Great-grandfather said that was why he called on him, so Dr. Frog told him that the birds were eating our family, and if they kept it up we soon would be out of existence.
"'Horrors! horrors!' chirped Great-grandfather Cricket. 'Whatever will we do to preserve the family?'
"'Easy enough to do that,' said Dr. Frog. 'Sleep days and sing at night as our family do; little chance we would have if we came out and sang in the daytime.'
"So that is the reason we sleep days and sing nights, so the birds and chickens and bug-eating animals cannot catch us.
"Of course, sometimes they do get a cricket, but it is always one who has stayed out too late or gotten up too early, usually a very young cri