Book Excerpt
"If you wish, I will translate to you."
The captain nodded, and Araby continued :
"They stole her money the wife's money and ran away together with it. The girl was his mistress. The wife wanted to kill her; she hopes she has. She says nothing more."
The captain gave courteous thanks to Araby, and went away. Immediately the prisoner was removed, and the hum of many voices sounded once more.
"I hope she's dead!" said Araby, readjusting her capuchin and staring sullenly at the people who had come up behind her. " Women are such beasts!"
Yelverton the impression of her being a savage princess lost in the wilds of civilization stronger than ever on him drew her hand through his arm and led her away.
"You think she did right in trying to kill her rival?"
"Right? No, I suppose not. But I'm glad she did it."
"Would you do it?"
Something in his voice startled her, and she turned away. "Yes," she said, after a pause; "o