Works of Martin Luther

Works of Martin Luther
With Introductions and Notes


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Works of Martin Luther by Martin Luther







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Works of Martin Luther
With Introductions and Notes


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Disputation On Indulgences (1517) -- Treatise On Baptism (1519) -- Discussion Of Confession (1520) -- The Fourteen Of Consolation (1520) -- Treatise On Good Works (1520) -- Treatise On The New Testament (1520) -- The Papacy At Rome (1520)

Book Excerpt

herefore, Christian reader, thou wilt find in my earliest books and writings how many points of faith I then, with all humility, yielded and conceded to the pope, which since then I have held and condemned for the most horrible blasphemy and abomination, and which I would have to be so held and so condemned forever. Amen.

Thou wilt therefore ascribe this my error, or as my opponents venomously call it, this inconsistency of mine,[4] to the time, and to my ignorance and inexperience. At the beginning I was quite alone and without any helpers, and moreover, to tell the truth, unskilled in all these things, and far too unlearned to discuss such high and weighty matters. For it was without any intention, purpose, or will of mine that I fell, quite unexpectedly, into this wrangling and contention. This I take God, the Searcher of hearts, to witness.

I tell these things to the end that, if thou shalt read my books, thou mayest know and remember that I am one of those who, as St. Augustine says of hims

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FEATURED AUTHOR - 'The Plotting Shed' (see her blog was Alex Martin's first writing space at the bottom of her Welsh garden. Now she splits her time between Wales and France and plot wherever she is. She still wanders aimlessly in the countryside with her dog and her dreams and she can still be found typing away with imaginary friends whispering in her ear, but these days she has the joy of seeing her stories published and the treasured feedback from readers who've enjoyed them.